Saving you time, so you can focus on what matters most

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Running a Meals-on-Wheels operation can be complicated. ZippyMeals online tools will simplify your life with ...

Logo for managing clients

Comprehensive Client Data Management

Contact information, meal types, schedules, special dietary needs and so much more.


Logo for managing routes

Automated Route Sheets with Maps and Directions

Route Sheets with optional maps, directions, and special instructions. Your drivers will love them.


Logo for managing volunteers

Effortless Scheduling of All Your Volunteers

Options at your fingertips as each day develops. No more spreadsheets.


Logo for advantages of cloud-based software

Cloud-based Flexibility and Security

Securely manage your whole operation from any internet connection.


Logo for advantages of a user-friendly design

Beautiful User Friendly Interface Design

Your staff will be up and ready in a matter of just a few days.


What could you accomplish with an extra 3-5 hours every week?

Picture of a Meals on Wheels office

No more spreadsheet management! ZippyMeals centralizes all your client and volunteer data into a single location:

  • Easy Client Scheduling
  • Easy Volunteer Scheduling
  • Substitute Driver Scheduling
  • Automated Route Sheets
  • Automated Maps and Directions
  • Monthly Meal Count Reports (and more!)
  • Automatic Data Backups
  • Security Protection of your data
  • Cloud-based for access from anywhere


  • One-click Route Optimization
  • Volunteer Self-Service
We save you time so that you can focus on tasks that provide additional value to your clients and volunteers!
Picture of Fluvanna, VA customer

Fluvanna, Virginia

“ZippyMeals has significantly changed how we do business. ZippyMeals has saved me hours of time each week, eliminated overtime, and now I have time for the extra projects on my Director’s wish list. We absolutely love ZippyMeals and would highly recommend it!” - Cindy W., Fluvanna Meals on Wheels

Chaos is expensive. ZippyMeals creates balance.

Make your life easier. Contact us for more information.